Saturday, March 27, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt

Our neighborhood had an Easter Egg Hunt this morning in the park across from our house. London joined in the fun and enjoyed seeing all the kids.

London's Best Friend

We had a playdate with London's friend Alexander this past Thursday. They were so cute together and played so nice with their toys. Their faces light up every time the see each other, it's so cute! Alexander's mom Jaime and I met in prenatal yoga, so the babies have been friends since the very beginning!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Afternoon Walk in the Park

Thanks for the hats Grandma Davis, she always wears them on sunny days!

Mama dog

Tini insists on being close to London at all times... and when London cries, Tini is on the job!

Too tired to eat...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I Love My Daddy!

Grandma Davis came to visit!

We had a fun time last week with Grandma Davis. She was a great help, Tim and I actually got to enjoy dinner out together...twice! She got lots of practice trying to get London to eat her veggies. It's been a challenge this past week, but she never says no to yogurt...does she Grandma?! She stood for the first time last week. We were glad Grandma was here to share in the excitement.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!